Saturday, 26 October 2019

MRBOW in Brașov, Romania

The short-term  joint staff training event, 21st to 24th of October 2019, Brașov, Romania "Entrepreneurial Education in the 21st Century School'' has come to an end. Thank you, dear partners for coming in our school and community!

Friday, 25 October 2019

Erasmus Days in Poland - school photo gallery

During this year's Erasmus Days we opened a gallery of our experiences in the visited countries - the trainings and cultural workshops in Cyprus and Austria and of course from the visit of our partners in Poland. The gallery is opened for the students, parents, teachers and all school guests in the main hall.

Hosting the visit of the students and teachers in Poland, May 2019. Learning aboug our roots, technology at school, ICT lessons, Erasmus Cooking time, visiting Olsztyn, Olsztynek and Gdańsk!